
So we're all on the same page.

Customer Flow


Send a new ticket

You can go to our platform as a customer, and submit a ticket.  A ticket can be submitted in different categories:

  • Question (nothing to do)
  • Urgent Issue (Top Prio)
  • Server Issue
  • Issue, With Error
  • Issue, No Error

Depending on the selection, we will assign your ticket between 1 business hour and 3 business days.  Question Tickets will be discussed with the customer first, to make sure we need to proceed.

We have somebody monitoring the new tickets all day (working hours) and optionally on saturday/sunday.


Ticket in Progress

Your ticket is assigned to your dedicated project manager : You will get an email informing you we're working on it.  The project manager will analyse the ticket, and create a task for the backend team if code changes are required.

If code changes are required and it's not a top priority ticket, the PM will discuss with the customer first, so the customer's alligned on the proposed solution, and aware of the time we estimate to work on it.  

For top priority tickets, we start immediately.

Ticket in Progress

The Project Manager creates a task and assigns it to the development team.  It's discussed with the support lead dev so we can estimate a time on the task, and update the customer.  

After approval of the time estimation, we will plan it and assign it to the developer specialized in that app.


Task is planned

The support lead dev discusses the task internally and makes sure the full scope is clear between PM and Developer.  The developer starts working on the task as soon as his previous task is finished (FIFO).  

Top Priority issues bypass the FIFO and are picked up immediately.


Customer feedback

The PM communicates the solution to the client, with screenshots from the staging environment.  

The customer is expected to test the solution in staging, and confirm the fix can be released to production.

If we get no feedback within 3 business days we will close the ticket, and staging will be free for other work.

Solution testing

The Project Manager tests the solution to see if it's compliant with the communication. If the first tests pass, the support lead will run through the known workflows provided by the customer when the project was set up.  If all tests pass we release the fix to staging and inform the customer.



If the client approves of the release, we merge the code with the production environment and inform the client when the fix was released to the production environment.

If the client requires additional changes, we move the task back up to task planned.

Move to production

The PM moves the task to "MTP", at which point the support tech lead merges the code to production and performs the necessary upgrades.  

The support tech lead closes the task.



The helpdesk ticket is closed.